Monday, February 22, 2016


Well, that was the first of many, i hope. This one was a low-key, minimalist impression of EBD as it is now. (I'm sorry, those who expected walls profusely hung with our monstrous creations- i don't do the exuberent maximalist Salon thing).  & of course i did not include the photos with the screaming crowds and police shielding us from crazed groupies as i don't want to embarass anyone...

here's some coverage, also of the show that was going on below/behind ours
(an Ikonostasis appropriately being the screen that divides nave from Sanctuary in a church- only it does not divide, it connects) :

First we take Den Haag, then we take Berlin?





Sunday, February 14, 2016

The 9th Island

A few months ago, I started working on a new comic project to avoid the void that was going to follow after my Hieronymus Bosch marathon. The script was done in just two weeks, which is an indication of how much fun i am having with it. These snapshots are the first teasers.

                                           Boy meets girl. How will their budding relationship develop?

                                            It sure is hard to run a business, but there are limits.

                                                           Should we trust this guy?

                                                  Don't you hate wordy comics.

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

i k o n o s t a s i s

Eaten By Ducks 2006-2016
Marcel Ruijters
Zeke Clough
Robert Adam Gilmour
Kurt Komoda
Tony Burhouse
Sean Aaberg
Crippa Almqvist
Gaspard Pitiot
Aeron Alfrey
FuFu Frauenwahl
David Paleo
Muriel Bellini
Ibrahim R. Ineke

Saturday, February 13th, 16:00
LocatieZ, Helena van Doeverenplantsoen
Den Haag
