Saturday, November 24, 2018
Work in progress update
There's a lot more on my personal blog. Since my drawings take very long, I've decided to do these work in progress updates more often. I'm working on many more but the ones I've chosen to show are the most presentable.
Friday, November 23, 2018
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Sunday, November 18, 2018
back on painting
hey here! happy to find back my access, "login horror"
well, back on painting yes cause i did a few and continue, which's better than one here & then
i think i finally found a good way to color my cartoongory stuff
firstly by using small size panel of wood, 10 or 15cm wide or smaller
onto that i work more or less as illuminators did, using gum, animal glue & egg white, nothing vegan
plus natural colors handmade or not, medieval chemistry & a few experimental colors (such as nickeltitangelb, bleizinngelb or the chinese Han blue)
this iconic way, flat painting is better adapted to drawing than more modern way of painting (ie oily), well it's more or less like "gouache" or maybe acrylic painting, or a mix of that
also this makes me paint quite quickly which is good too!
if you like scientific side, i work here with 3 different sizer (in this order but sometimes 1 or 2 or 3 : animal glue, arabic gum, egg white)
animal glue fix the color for the light, it's opaque and close to water so the color is as it is from the powder
it's also unsoluble so you can work with layers, but opaque
then arabic gum bring enlightement, full color because of brightness, like sugar
as sugar the default is that gum is soluble so you can't work by layers, but this is a tool to work relief & volume by melting colors
then egg white is more brightness which increase translucency, closer to oil
with that you will down the colors but increase deepness
because of being insoluble it's protecting the underlayers but you can't mix colors
but the translucency give you opportunity to work with glazes, the dilution of color is infinite
when dry its opaque and flat but when painting you really approach oil realistic volumes