Saturday, January 06, 2007

Art Young (Noah)

At this point in the series when I was doing the Piaget and Demigods drawings, I took a week and a half break to work on an Art Young gallery for the Comics Journal. I thought I'd post one of my favorite pieces by him that I *didn't* get to include....

I just love that picture. The daughter is smoking hot, and the mother looks completely sexless. He was such a great artist.

As I said, at this point in the Piaget and Demigods series I took a break, and I thought I'd do the same here. People seem interested in more text pieces, so I thought I'd post some of those for a bit and give the gods a rest. They'll be back in a week or so though....


  1. I haven't really seen much Art Young, but I like it.
    Is it going to be in a regular issue of TCJ?

  2. It was in an issue a while back -- #273 I think. You should check it out. He's spectacular.
