Sunday, January 28, 2007

Bow to the Queen of Hemorrhoids

Two panels for a comic jam on the Comics Journal messageboard.


  1. That's great. I'd love to do a panel or two, but I don't have regular internet access rightnow.
    Do you ink with the wacom, Fufu?

  2. Bitchin, I had an idea to continue after this panel but someone else is probably going to submit a panel before I could get around to drawing it. My idea was the Hemorrhoid Queen bulges little blobs of hemorrhoid creatures out of her swelling body. She then tells the dudes to take her servents to help them in their quest to prevent the oncoming doom of the anal universe!

  3. fuck it I'm drawng it right now

  4. Luke:
    Actually these two panels i did entirely on the wacom. It's not a regular thing though. My other two contributions to the jam were done traditionally.
    When I asked if you guys were interested I meant in maybe doing a separate jam as an off-shoot of the DUCKS... I may have been unclear. It would make a cool group effort.

    Awesome idea! I think the jam thing works best if people try to seriously advance the plot instead of coming up with another climatic gag every panel.

  5. Here it is -

  6. Haha! Those foul creatures are pretty adorable!

  7. Yeah, let's do a jam.
    Some guys I know here in MN do regular comics jams and did a little post on their blog about 'jam etiquette':
    (scroll down a bit).
    It all makes sense.

  8. Luke, your friend's thoughts about how to conduct a jam are pretty sound. I'll post it on that TJC jam.

  9. oh, and I'm gonna start a new Eaten by Ducks jam within the next few days... so be prepared!
