Wednesday, January 10, 2007


These are two attempts at psychedelic drawings done during summer 2004, I was inspired by Gary Panter's lightshow flyers.


  1. These are great. Panter is so influential, it's like an entire school has grown up in his wake. Initially, I was weary of so many guys being so obviously influnced by him, but I realized that his work is so perfect, in certain ways, that it achieved a sensibility that tons of people were after, or atempting to enunciate and that's a great thing. It goes beyond style, or certain type scratchy line into a sensibility that pretty inclusive.
    these two are now saved in a file of my favorite EBD stuff to-date.
    Did you buy any of the minis from his site? I bought a few.Even though they're expensive, they are so worth it. HE sent a nice note along with them too.

  2. Good stuff, you should consider coloring these.

  3. Cheers! I didn't buy any of the minis, but perhaps should 'cause doesn't the 'songy/yoyo' strip from the jimbo comics published by bongo carry on in them? those comics are some of my alltime favourites!
    I was really inspired by the way he was going on about psychedelic art that's packed with detail in the comics journal interview he did a few years ago and it really fired up my enthusiasm for that stuff.
    I've got a few photos of beat up huts I'm going to send him for his 'gary store' locations!
