Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I'm trying a new series of cards, not limited by the Wrestling theme as in my Ultimeat Wrestlers cards from last spring. These are called GHOSTS, DOGS & KINGS & it will be just tons of crazy characters from the newly expanding worlds of Pipu & Go! Whether or not the characters will appear in the new GO! or the new Pipus is debatable, but they fall into the eccentric variety of weirdos as will begin to pile high into the sky. The general idea is the tribalization or naturalization of atomic flux mutant culture in a world based on post-apocalyptic movies & 8-bit video games.

This guy is Ziggy Pop Tune, sporting the acid colored coon-skin cap favored by the youth of the Land of Dogs, the traditional "bone of dead animal" through the nose & drinking endless gallons of ZAP! KOLA, which contains magic crypto-caffeine & hyper-nyper berry extract. It is also the first green cola ever manufactured. For fun, Ziggy Pop Tune creates enormous collages out of fake fur.

This guy is Mr. Swizzard, former host of "Mr. Swizzard's World" which used to broadcast from moon-base 8 before the magnetic plume. Today, Mr. Swizzard's best friend is Jasper Wine & his radio, from which he curates a vast & varied audio showcase on the built-in tape machine. When Mr. Swizzard is really on his game, he concentrates so hard that his ghost begins to escape.

The whole idea of Ghosts, Dogs & Kings came to me while thinking about where our culture is at today. There are the ghosts of the past, which are always with us, but we're not even sure if they are real. They haunt our every move. There are the dogs of the moment: smiling servants & guardians of whoever happens to master them. Or not, sometimes they go feral. Either way, they spend most of their time smelling each other's bottoms & peeing on the perimeter. Lastly there are the kings, but they have no people & no kingdom & who the hell are they anyhow? They rise above the today & enter become the living eternal.


  1. This is a great concept, I look forward to seeing where you take it. And the drawings look really good, vibrant colors with your trademark abstracted cartoonesque style.

  2. Thanks dude. I'm becoming really addicted to the nastiest colors. It just gets worse & worse. I go to sleep thinking about neons! It's horrible. Anyhow, i'm working on making my stuff MORE abstract & loose. I'm not sure if i can do it, but i'm working on it. I'm trying to sniff more fumes to augment my brain fizzle. Hey, check out this link.
