Monday, March 05, 2007

Yesterday's adventure through the Picc-a-Dilly Flea Market proved excellent. My number one acquiration was four unopened packs of Topps Pee Wee's Playhouse Fun-Pak cards. This was maybe too exciting for me to deal with. Each Fun-Pak comes with 1 sheet of tattoos, 3 trading cards, 1 sticker, 1 wiggle toy (one of those deals where you turn it one direction & see an image & turn it another direction & you see another image) & 1 activity card. All designed or at least art-directed by Gary Panter. I'm dying! I also got about a hundred Wacky Packages cards for $2 (deal on the meal!), a pack of Desert Storm cards (mostly for the intact wax pack so that i can copy the exact measurements & create my own.), this Blackstar Alien Demon toy that i was totally obsessed with as a kid & bunch of other cool junk.

Also included in today's feature is major kudos for this spot right near our house here in Eugene. Papa's Soul Food Kitchen & Blues Joint is always packed & the food is GODDAMNED GOOD & the right price. You can get giant mason jars of kool-aid as well, which is pretty funky if you ask me. It's just about perfect excepting that i'm not so excited by the blues & the clientele isn't so soulful either, a bunch of tighty whities actually, this being Oregon & all. But i was there, so it works out. Also in the world of Funkanopolis, you should check out this show "THE HISTORY OF FUNK" hosted by the Rickey Vincent Uhuru Maggot. It's just about the best show on KPFA, especially because it isn't a bunch of whining about desert nations & their oily, explosive troubles. But speaking of politics, i also recommend KPFA's GUNS & BUTTER & AGAINST THE GRAIN . I counter their socialist propagandizing with the also totally awesome Alex Jones show. He's out there smashing the New World Order, which sounds good to me. I figure if i listen to a wide mix of news & opinions I can at least figure out what agendas are being perpetuated. Politics are quite difficult for me to make my mind up about these days. My back-up argument is "F*CK THEM ALL". In a way, it's quite relieving.


  1. Awesome score. I wish I lived somewhere near flea-markets..
    I Alex Jones' material so, so much, as you know. I don't agree with him about everything, but he does everything in such a straightforward, honest way; he presnts material exactly as he sees it, without concern for fitting into any larger context.
    I found a great free e-book site that you might be interestd in:

  2. I wish that PeeWee Herman flick that they're trying to make could become a reality, the one where they leave the play house and venture off into the surreal world outside. That would be such an awesome movie.

  3. I'm crossing my fingers! I really want him to return to the playhouse & keep working on all that stuff too.

  4. Good find. That will make any day unruinable.

  5. Green with envy over here, and yeah, i wish Pee Wee did another movie, but you know what i would like even more? Ratzinger slipping on a banana peel or something, breaks his neck and Whammo! Pee Wee is elected Pope! wouldn't he make a GREAT one? just imagine him in white robes, giggling and posing in the Popemobile...

    Anyway,great Rothster a while back Sean! have you ever seen that book Kustom Kulture? great weird stuff by Roth, Von Duch and Robt Williams.

  6. How about Ratzinger & every other big politico splipping on banana peels & falling into each other's anuses? Pee Wee as Pope would be amazing, agreed. I'd love to see some central American folk art that has a weird Pee Wee's playhouse//Catholic//mayan crossover thing going on. Weird. Anyhow, the Roth monster was by Zeke! But thanks anyhow. I'm into all that old stuff quite a bit, i don't have that particular book, but i used to read ALOT of Rat Fink comics & all that.
