Sunday, April 15, 2007

Photoshop Prehistory

Rummaging through my old CDs I came across this 10 years old photoshop collage of mine which I had totally forgotten about. It's not very well done but still kinda like it. In the context of the whole art debate following Sean's rant I thought I'd post it here.

And then I also found this quote nicely tying the art discussion to our Lovecraft conversation after Luke's post:
"Art is not what one resolves to say, but what insists on saying itself through one."
-- HPL in a 1934 letter


  1. That's funny.

    Hey, any 10 year old artwork you're willing to share with us? i'd like to see some "early Fufu"

  2. That's wicked! Also, that Lovecraft quote is exactly what i'm talking about!

  3. Nice quote, I agree that we have little choice in the things that we create, even if we think we are choosing what to.

  4. The synchronicity is not all that surprising, Luke. I've been developing a comic plot featuring cthulhu for a few months now anyway, which is probably the reason why i jumped on your post like i did. The quote popped up durig my research.

    David, I don't have a lot of stuff that old at my disposal right now. But here's my very first Ray Murphy story, which is also my first attempt at digital painting. It's from 98 I think and it took me several weeks...
