Wednesday, May 02, 2007


This just in.


  1. Great stuff, Luke! I always love the way you combine calligraphy and imagery.
    What is Eye Sore though?

  2. I think I'm going to do a little booklet of drawings and call it Eye Sore. It's a common American phrase for something that looks out of place, or kind of ruins the scenery- like a billboard along a country road is an eye sore, for instance.
    Really, I didn't give it any thought- it just kind of fit and I wrote it there.

  3. Damn good piece, I dig the way it almost plays out like the internal organ arrangement of a human. THe triangular cycloptic thing with the black tentacles, excellent. And yeah, what is Eye Sore?

  4. Love it, it is a very striking image, it jumps at you.

  5. Hehe, yeah I know what eye sore means in general parlace... I meant what kind of pulication is it going to be.
    It's a good idea to do a collection of your drawings. I want a copy!

  6. Sorry Fufu- I never know if you forners speak American good.
    Yeah, I think I'll just do a a little booklet- mini-comic sized on some nice paper.Like 100 or so copies.
    Every Ebd-er gets one!

  7. - Come to think of it, I guess all you guys in non-English speaking countries probably grow up watching US movies and listening to our "Rock and Roll" music- so I bet your English is as good as your average public school-bred American..

  8. hey I can't wait to get a copy of eye sore! great stuff! over here in england it's weird how much stuff I'm into or have grown up with is american.

  9. No problem, Luke. I think I've said this before, I've lived most of my life in various European countries, but I'm an American citizen and I've lived in the US for quite a while too. About 90% of the books and comics I read are in English.
    But you're right, in general Europeans and especially Germans are much more immersed in American culture than vice versa.

  10. I forgot that you're 'Merican Fufu. Where in the US did you live?

  11. In Iowa, of all places.
    I've been to most major cities on the east and west coast too though.

  12. Iowa!? Where in Iowa? What brought you there?
    Did you ever get up around Minneapolis?

  13. I went to highschool in Cedar Falls. I'm afraid the airport is the only thing I ever saw of Minneapolis.
