Sunday, June 17, 2007

Metalman inks: the beginning of the end.

I've got to get my piece done for the forthcoming second volume of the Metalman Project. The basic concept is that each participant draws their interpretation of the head and logo of a character drawn by the moderator when he was a young lad. That character would be, ta-da, Metalman.

My depiction of Metalman is as an adventurer who stumbled upon an ancient kult of skull faced cyberneticits. Really, a natural conclusion anyone would leap to. They have an interest in this metal-headed man who possibly teeters half into the realm of a cybernetic organism himself, and they pit him against their ultimate creation. The, er, transvestite, cyborg, cloned dinosaur to the right.

I'm really trying to up the detail level in my pieces, and I think this is a step in that direction:
Metal Man Inks 02


  1. Beautiful compostition and your inks are nice and tasty. Can't wait to see the finished piece.

  2. Yours is looking like one of the best on there. And that's an insane enemy Metalman has to deal with, his days might be numbered!

  3. And armed with only a kitchen knife, too!

  4. thanks, man. i think my endangered species series should be in next month's issue. keep up the awesome work! who are some of your clients? i'd love to see more of your work.

