Sunday, November 04, 2007

Lovecraft Nation

Here's the left panel of the triptych I did for the Lovecraft show. I put the right panel on the Skeleton Cave.


  1. I like the dirty, griminess of this, those critters really look as though they've been stuck underground. Like lifting a really big stone and seeing those pallid monstrosities wriggling around.

  2. THanks, and yeah Zeke, that's a good way to describe it. I love the way these look in the gallery, ahhh I wish I could go to Switzerland and see everyone's work!

    Here's the full triptych on display at the show, bit of a glare but I love the way they framed the prints.

  3. My hat off to the swiss if before the end of the show no one steal the prints.

    I know i would.
