Sunday, February 03, 2008

salt distorted

I ended up hopping around FLICKR last night looking at the work of a bunch of trendoid hipster artists. The work was all very slick & well-crafted, i'll give it that much, but does it look like i give two bits of bottom botulism about that? After filling my brain with such things i don't know what to do. I spent a bit of time working that angle, the hipster trendoid angle, but it just isn't me. I'm a Salt of the earth type. Honestly, i think i dislike most artists.


  1. Can you link to some stuff- whatever you were looking at?

  2. Hey Sean, Mostyn here. Great article. Yeah, I dig what you are saying about the hipster thing. I too would love to know what you were looking at.

  3. Hey Chris! How's it going. I've been reading your blog, it's part of my google reader page. Nice new work, the prints really up the whole artsy fartsy quotient of your work, & they just look very cool besides. Anyhow, i was going to post the work i was looking at, but that isn't really the point, because i actually really liked the work i was looking at aesthetically, it was more the vapid quality of the work, which i think is almost universal in today's art world.

  4. Hey Chris, glad to see you checkin out Eaten By Ducks. And I know what you're talking about Sean. I can't think of any names but I know the tired and repeated imagery that keeps popping up everywhere in the hipster art scenes. I think there will always be those who would rather look cool than use their imaginations. But nobody's foolin no one no how, the real stuff will stand the test of time and the rest will be... amusing.
