Sunday, February 24, 2008


Hi, my name is Marek Danielewski. I'm an Illustrator, here in Philadelphia. My medium is mostly ink on paper, but I have done other mediums like oil paintings and watercolors. Most of the art that I show on my blog is personal, and I almost think of it as therapeutic in nature. Thank you very much for the invitation to participate. I plan to post my newest artwork tonight, I'm just wrapping it up.


  1. Cool stuff & welcome! Let's see the new work! I smell a bunch of French cartooning in your work, which i love. Also, a bit of Geiger by way of Moebius.

  2. Thanks. Yeah, I did grow up on a lot of European comics and there is the good ol' Geiger. I suppose it shows. I swear it's not on purpose- It's probably just in my blood.

  3. YEs, I can see our fellow Pole Szukalski in there too. It's great looking stuff. I'm glad you accepted the invite; Welcome aboard!

  4. Welcome, your stuff is really cool and I hope you will benefit from this group, maybe if there was more of us, we would create a bit more excitement amongst ourselves and any viewers?

  5. Yes. I agree Adam. Send out some invites, everybody.
