Saturday, April 05, 2008

Feral Funk Fast Burger

I've been working on this concept for quite a while now & i come & go from it. But anyhow, i'm working on this giant series now, of these characters like the four pictured here, which are all about the post-apocalyptic re-tribalization of post-modern culture. The totemic nature of hamburgers, fast food ufos, punk rock hip hop tribes, neon hieroglyphic graffiti & all types of other weirdness are explored.

feral funk fast burger

johnny seethru


  1. The burger/drink combo ufo looks especially cool!

  2. That's a great concpt. HAve you looked into "cargo cults"? Tribes in the Pacific started worshipping consumer goods as idols . Panters' comic COLA MADNESS touches on it.

  3. Zeke: Thanks, i discovered that sandwiches in general have these great totemic/layered forms & lots of room for gross drawing so yeah.
    Luke: Thanks, i think i heard about cargo cults on some interview on NPR a while back, but it wasn't a conscious connection. Now it will be! COLA MADNES was/is a huge inspiration for me, although it was more like, "Holy shit, this guy was thinking about this stuff too?" because i only started really looking at & buying Panter's work last year, outside of having been a big Pee Wee fan. I really didn't like Jimbo when i was a Punk because i thought it was all "art damaged", which i think i still might think, but i'm more into playing into the whole art damage world now & have been enjoying it a bit.
    Robert: Only if you cook them.

  4. Awesome, love the colors. It would be cool to see these veer into some sort of variety of sub species that are instantly recognizable, like the sewer mutant crew or the hamberger brain splat gang.

  5. fantastic idea aeron. gangs!

  6. Yeah! gangs! that'd be great and totemic burgers... ha! what a cool idea!

  7. "all about the post-apocalyptic re-tribalization of post-modern culture. The totemic nature of hamburgers, fast food ufos, punk rock hip hop tribes, neon hieroglyphic graffiti"


    And the ball goes out of the park ladies & gentlemen!

    If you put a bottle of wine into me or a six pack of beer, i can become the world's most ridiculous art fag.

  9. So? DRINK UP! if you can't handle your liquor turning you into a fag it means you're a sissy.
