Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Aeron just invited me to throw my monsters into the swimming pool. Hope you like them


  1. Welcome Adam! You're drawing is looking really good..

  2. Adam, I cant remember where I first saw your work but I gotta tell you that I really love what you do. I love your use of space and your characters as well. welcome.

    Chris Mostyn

  3. Thanks guys. I have to admit that I've been spying on this site enviously, so I'm glad to join the team.

    Luke-What are you up to?

    Chris-I like your cartoon pile-ups.

  4. Smashing work Adam. I am feeling a big Nausicaa feeling here as well. Which is always a good thing.

  5. Welcome Adam. Someone needs to design some kites after your artwork.

  6. Kites- that's a brilliant idea.
    I'm working on drawings.I just don't feel a great need to post them right now for various reasons. I'm also working in a new medium that's pretty labor intensive.I haven't finished one piece yet, and I've been at it for a few weeks. It's top secret, but will be posted here at some point.

  7. Hi Adam! Look forward to seeing more of your work!

  8. wow, great art, i love the detail but i particularly love the wild, free form compositions.

  9. Great first post! Welcome on board, Adam. Your creatures look like animated quilt patterns; for some reason I'm getting a Heinz Edelmann vibe when I look at your art, dunno if anyone else has that association.
    What's up with the recurring little cyclops with the hat, is there a backstory to that?

  10. Thanks for all the positive feedback everybody, I don't know the last time I received such a warm reception.

    The only thing I know Edelmann from is the yellow submarine, I think I kind of stumbled into psychedelic stuff from drawing patterns.

    The story with the cyclops dude is that he's a stand in for me. His name is Tim Tadabrucki, an anagram of my equally silly name.

  11. Fufu, check out the Nausicaa comic series, particularly the younger god emperor of the Doroks for the cyclops guy's big brother.

  12. Your art makes me wonder how you see the world.
