Friday, May 30, 2008

Le Dernier Cri's 9th Hopital Brut!

I plan on contributing and I think some of you might be interested as well. Here's a message I received today from Le Dernier Cri..

And I'll just take this opportunity to say.. I love Le Dernier Cri, if it was a woman I'd marry it and have a bunch of mutated babies with it.

"next we 'll publish the new hopital brut number 9 !!!!!!
number 9 ...number 9 ....number 9...for 2009 ...9 ISSUES IN
9*9=81 pages for each issue...silkscreen
cover and quadri / trikro/bikro/dirrect color ofset and
silscreen the end put all on them in a box and you
get the monster....
size 24 cm/32,5 cm...or 24cm/16,25 cm ...
(9.5 /12.6 inch ...OR 9.5 /6.40 inch )
all the contributors can send what they want all the year
we need 9 differents cover with the tittle ...
it could be some story or art who can run during the 9
limited edition of 500 copies...each artist get one....
sorry no more time and place for storage .... first dead
line end of october
....first issue in january....and after we will explose
.....number 9...number 9 ....number 9...
send this information to everybody who can like this stupid
idea !!!!!
/TO THE END OF 2009 / 9 ISSUE IN 12 MONTH !!!
DEADLINE EVERYDAY !!!!!!TO 2010!!!!!!!"


  1. Congratulations! You deserve it bro. Le Dernier Cri is pretty much my favorite group as far as contemporary drawing goes.It can sometimes get a little too nihilistic for me, but yeah. And I don't even own any of their books!
    Are they taking submissions?

  2. I'm pretty sure anyone (that is, who's in the know enough to come across this message) is welcome to contribute.

  3. Yeah Luke, you should absolutely submit something.
