Friday, June 27, 2008

Flying and Floating

Ok, I think this is the last of the collage roughs I'll post from this series. With the float image the large 15th century iconic image of the sea monster as the giant float was originally just place holder so I had a rough idea about the size I was going to make the floating creature. Since then the design has grown on me and I might redraw it instead of making something completely new in place of it.

With the kite image, I was inspired by the single woodcut drawing of the character flying the odd dragon creature which I've flipped on the left and ride side of this composition. I decided to make a scene of various figures flying kites which are winged animals carrying passengers that are fighting, jousting, shooting arrows, sword fighting each other. Again, the final drawn versions are going to be colored pencil. They'll be on heavy tooth sheets of arches watercolor paper. I'm hoping the heavy grain of the paper with the colored pencil will carry a sort of vintage aged look to the surface, not sure how successful that will be as of now though.


  1. Pretty dang cool! I can’t help but think of a Bosch-esque parade of demonic creatures and their demonic hot air balloons…and kites too…

  2. creatures flying creatures with creatures on them fighting creatures.

    I'm happy.

  3. about trying to achieve a vintage effect, maybe you need to avoid leaving any pure white in the page? before you start painting, you may try laying a soft layer of a cream/yellow color on the blank background... don't know if it'll work.
