Thursday, June 26, 2008

work work work

So, here we are all working on our projects, self publishing, posters, web stuff, zines, comics, etc. So does anybody here have anything published by a publisher? Do any of you have interest in that sort of thing? Do any of you know how to break into that sort of thing? Do they contact you or do you contact them? Just curious. BTW, I am very greatful to Zeke and Sean for including me in some bigger projects. I cant wait to see them. I would also love to organize something like that. Perhaps later in the winter when some of my own projects wrap up.

I am considering a book idea down the road based on my experiences in a fundamentalist seminary. Ha! A traveler going to a secret temple to delve into the secrets of the universe but finds instead a machineic system of obstacles, monsters, domination and traps. Not much further than that so far. Been wanting to write about this for years but havent found a way to do it. I dont want to simply write an auto bio kinda piece. Not interested but want to take personal journey and experience and fuse them with sci fi dungeon culture.

Btw, I want to thank you all for sharing your amazing talent and thoughts on this site. I feel much more at home here than with painters and traditional gallery artists. At least with regards to my own work. Not with People. Peace.


  1. I've been published under Centipede Press, Conundrum Press, a couple publishers I can't think of right now and Fantagraphics of course. Then there's a few more I should be published in later this year. It's always people getting ahold of me. I haven't ever done a big push to try to get my stuff published, I've just been fortunate enough to have people interested in my art and want to publish my work for me.

  2. Great idea for a comic. I'm working on an autobio comic today that touches on some of the same subject matter, strangely enough.
    I haven't been published...

  3. One of my favourite posts was the one you did of your sketchbook work Chris, I'd love to see more of that.
    I've been published a few times, amongst other things I've done cover art for the Skull Disco record label, tshirts for Wire magazine and Warp records and silkscreened pieces for Smittekilde and Le Dernier Cri (as part of the 'Outsiders' exhibition in Breda last year).

  4. thanks. I will post some sketch pages soon as I always have that. I forget that people want to see that crap. ha. luke, what is yours about? I didnt want to be all self indulgent woe is me. I just thought that the subject of power, belief, deceit, control and such might lend itself well to monsters, wizards, robots, telekenetics and such.

  5. I don't want to spoil it for myself by talking it over too much, but the strip is about a friednship I struck up with a guy who came into this coffee shop I worked at. He's a super religious who told me about all these prophetic dreams that he'd had. He asked me "Does the Lord give you dreams too?" before he told me about his. It was pretty bizarre and interesting. There is a deeper hook in the story that I don't want to go into, but yeah..

  6. if there is something i have made that I would like to see printed and if no-one happens to be asking for something from me, or it is too long, I just go ahead and publish it myself. You can make a small run of handmade zines, or do print-on-demand like I do which is not great but has many advantages.
    I think for the future if there is something I think is really worth it I will try and get it done as a `proper` book, arts funding or savings or something.
    The main key is not to let your publishing life lie in the hands of others, anyone who might be interested in publishing you will probably already have more than enough artists they can`t fit into their publishing schedule.
