Thursday, September 25, 2008

Funky Forest!

Here's a really REALLY awesome and insane Japanese flick. It looks like it takes place in a Japanese school with David Cronenberg styled things growing out of everything. The worm creature with doll people growing out of its head is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen in a film.

I found a few clips on youtube, you gotta check these out. There's no subtitles but it doesn't matter. I have to find this movie!

Skip to the 3 minute mark in the above clip to see the insane Videodrome/ExistenZ machine.

Skip about 5 minutes into this one..


  1. Bloody hell! If you track this amazing movie down Aeron pleeease let me know!

  2. Here's the imdb page

    The full name of the flick is "Funky Forest: The First Contact International" Good luck finding it! I have a sneaking suspicion this one won't be at the local videostore.

  3. Well fuck looking for this at the videostore, here's a mininova link..

  4. How do you find this stuff? Amazing.

  5. I found those two screenshots while browsing through a weird photographer's flickr favorites and looked the flick's name up on youtube. Kind of an ass backwards way of finding a movie like this but it worked!

  6. Ta for the link Aeron! can't wait too watch it, wonder if it's based on a manga?

  7. This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I created
    as a little tribute.

  8. -That's awesome, Alex. Thanks for dropping in.

  9. Wow. That stuff is nuts. I loved Cronenburg's squiggly bits in his Matrix "is reality reality?" ripoff movie. The nose-hairs on those Semitic/Italian lobsters was really too much!

  10. i saw this too.
    there`s a whole extra dimension that becomes apparent having lived in Japan because it parodies lots of aspects of Japaneseness.
    Actually, I have seen an underground manga with a really similar looking big nosed long nose hair creature in it. I`m not sure if it`s related or not, maybe design work was done by the same creator?

  11. PS don`t expect non-stop monstery stuff though, i think Aeron already collected every clip like that. It does make those sections more indrecdible when they show up.
