Friday, October 10, 2008

Hell Head

Here's an early build of one portrait out of 4 I'm doing for a book of demons being published in the UK.


  1. man, for a second there I thought I was still in the bathroom looking in the mirror...

  2. see, you got me this digital or "papersupported"?

    Either way, Grade A-Ace drawing, it even looks finished to me.

  3. Thanks, this is digital with about 15 layers, still has a ways to go. Very interesting that you thought it was a drawing. Looking at it now I do see how you could think that. I'm not sure what size the book will be but I'm doing these at 13 x 19 so I can make big prints that will look very wicked hanging on a wall. The other 3 portraits are going to be a lot less human looking, I think one will be a bit like a pig, another kind of bug like. I'm trying to pull the darkness around the frame so it looks like these faces are popping up out of the dark.

  4. yeah very good I too thought this might be a drawing at first glance. How did you get the gig because they definitely came to the right man for the job. So often such books from my youth would hire really inefficient or inappropriate artists.
    Your illustration looks exactly like the kind of thing that will get into a kid`s hands and really haunt him terribly. In a kind of good way if you were a kid like me and would pore for a long time over anything that made me feel `funny.`

  5. very agressive

  6. This one will look a bit different when finished so I need to try to keep the effect it has right now. I'm building up higher res textures into the facial features so it looks good on a 13 x 19 inch digital print out. I've had to struggle with my desire to go in for more details like a full body and background but I think just having the head against a black background is very effective, almost like having a mask hanging in the dark or face popping out of the shadows in some horror movie.

    And someone contacted me about the book through myspace.

    - aeron

  7. Very cool! Looks like one of them Japanese demon devils.
