Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Daily Hitler

The Daily Hitler has been featuring some great Nazi Christmas items, because Christmas really brings out the best in all of us.



  1. Great pic, something you probably didn't know about me, my grandmother on my mother's side was married to a nazi. My mother has an old black and white photo of him wearing the swastika arm band mixed in with the old family photos from my grandmother, hahah.

  2. Wow! Nazi's in the family... heh heh

  3. You're right, i didn't know that Aeron! Wild. Did he not contribute to your bloodline or something? You didn't call him your grandfather. My friend gave me a huge collection of German stamps going from WWII up to the 60s for Christmas which blew my mind. These jolly pine swastikas are just too much. To be honest, i'm kind of embarrassed by my Nazi obsession, but as Paleo said, which has become my motto, "Maturity is for the Mediocre."

  4. No, not blood relative although he fathered 2 boys that are my mothers half brothers, my uncles. She married my grandfather who was an American soldier after her marriage with that guy. I haven't really done a lot of looking around with that part of my family so I don't doubt I have someone over there who I'm related to that was swinging the zigs and the hells. My grandmother saw Hitler in person though coming off of a boat. He apparently had very cold eyes according to her.

    Another amusing detail about this, the American military sent my grandfather's family letters after she married him and came to the states suggesting my grandmother might have been a nazi spy, seriously. Hahahahah, how fucked up is that?

  5. Daily Hitler is a hoot, and if you don't agree, you're a Nazi.
