Saturday, January 03, 2009

Baths of the Pavilion


  1. Very nice, I dig the giant globe of black liquid atop the distant structure.

  2. I like the bottom one a great deal. It sort of reminds me in a weird way of some of Jack Kirbys' watercolored ink drawings- but mixed with an Eastern European poster artist.

  3. Wow, these are great. I love how you've drawn it in negative instead of doing it on the computer.
    Fantastic minimal colours and nutso backdrops.
    Will these scenes have accompanying text or do they stand alone?

  4. great, great stuff! I would totally grab sci-fi books with covers done by you, even if they were the low quality of actual sci-fi books in general. how cool would it be if they still made sci-fi pulps! man.

  5. I love the blue water. The last one is very much like the Amano cover art for Final Fantasy 6.
    I'm saving these to disc.

  6. I still think you're doing a disservice to your artworld with these static, repetitive compositions.

    That said, these images SURE pack a punch! and the coloring is brilliant.

    I want to know more about of this world

  7. Cool, thanks for all the imput guys.
    Zeke- there's no text so far with the images

    Mr Sean- funny thing is I tried to get my illustrations into this Polish magazine- called Fantastika-but I think me being out of the country was sort of an issue, I guess they have enough starving artists over there to worry about.

    Palo- hmm...on the composition issue- from what I've seen on your work I think we have fundamentally different ideas when it comes to our own ink works- especially compositions. I don't know what to say but that's how I role man. And whatever issues I have, I'll deal with them in my own way and my owm time.
