Saturday, January 17, 2009



  1. Christ i love your brush work! It's so fuckin' bonkers! I've been drawing almost exclusively with a brush lately & it's so liberating from the damn straight line. It's also SO fast! It's kind of crazy how fast i can go with it. I thought i was fast before. This is just getting obscene. It was a funny comic also, i was hoping there'd be a bite out of the balloon.

  2. You make the most goddamn crazier than a shit house rat (the most insane kind of rats out there!) cartoons I've ever seen, and yes that is a compliment! Beautiful ink work as ever. I came away from the story thinking the mengeloid is so... er... special... that he didn't even realize his balloon popped but rather imagined the thing still floating with a bite taken out of it, because that would make perfect sense to a mengeloid.

  3. Very cool. Happy snotty little girl… All her different expressions work well with the narrative. I’ve tried similar effects as yours, Paelo, for the gutter space three months ago. I used white lines (you used white dots). I had a similar result actually. I think there still something to solve: The very square images could be a bit curvier (I have the same problem)?

  4. More proof that true stupidity can trump the laws of nature any time!

  5. The happiest of idiots...
    Those eyes are spectacular.

  6. Thanks guys!

    Sean:since the dip pens i used for most of my youth started to suck really bad & i was forced to take up brush, i've become a brush evangelist, they take a while to get accustomed to, but once you do, nothing is as exppresive and as brushes

    AgaĆ¼hin: i assembled this comic on Photoshop, the very rigid white panels are panels delineated with the Rectangular Marquee tool, you could free hand the panels borders and drop 'em on a black background

    Fufu: Stupidity has moved more mountains than Faith & Greed combined.

  7. Sure you can, but I’ve never tried. I don't know what it would look like.
