Friday, February 20, 2009

fleshies- "gung ho!"

this is the front cover i made for the american punkband fleshies & their "gung ho!"-cd compilation from 2004. it's released on the "life is abuse"-label.


  1. Also Crippa I think you asked me some time ago if I was running the Cotoreich workshop together with Adrien. I’m not sure I did answer. Actually Cotoreich is Adrien’s publishing house. He runs everything the way he wants to. We live in the same town so I gave a hand time to time.

  2. well, actually i asked adrien 'bout this, 'n he answered me some week ago that the cotoreich studio is just his li'l baby, but that you sometimes help him out a bit. i'm really lookin' forward to see jacques new book which will be released on cotoreich hopefully more sooner than later!
    btw, thanx for liking my "typo". i mostly hear from people that they like the way i type. they don't say so much 'bout the way i draw, though...

  3. I like the way you draw as well, I especially like the stuff you have in Smittekilde #10 (Nazi Zombie from Hell) and La Commissure #2. But I think it’s difficult to find a personal and good typo (more difficult than to make a good drawing actually). So please don’t be upset: you should be proud.

  4. well, dunno if "proud" is the word i would use, but of course it makes me happy to hear from people that they like the way i type in my comix! atleast it don't make me upset that they actually like my style of writing! of course NOT!

  5. i wish i was bigger so i could see all the little bits. That said, i think it's FONKY FRISH.

  6. Also, "I just took the most Punk Rock Shit of My Life" is priceless. Also, Mick & Keith eating it... wow.

  7. hmm, actually it's just mick who eats the most punkrock shit of his life. this while keith are the one who gets cum in his hair, just so he can say:
    -"cum, mick!"
    those last 2 words should probably be read more faster and together like 1 word...

  8. Why isn't this on vinyl?! those Fleshies should sell their arses, rob a bank or whatever it takes to get the £££££ to do a vinyl pressing.

  9. Great cover, love the blood dripping text.

  10. thank you all for the positive feedback! makes my day...anyday!
