Friday, March 06, 2009

Spot The Duck

*He bought me ANOTHER soda and he tried to molest me in the SAME parking
lot AGAIN*
Published by Paul O'Connell and available from here: Sound of Drowning.


  1. oh yeah...

    that was done a while ago.
    An upsidey donwney version of one of the pages from this lot:

  2. I'm afraid i'm not a fan of most of the contents of this thing, but nice work Zeke & did CrippaXXX do the Punk Rock comic? I liked that alot. Sub Hum Ans were one of my favorite groups until i decided they made me depressed!

  3. hej sean! yeah, i did this sub hum ans "pig/big city"-comic inside soda. originally it was published inside renate#16, & also dave birchall used an inverted version of it for tegne#2, out on his blackandwhite catpress.
    so, how come sub hum ans made you feel depressed? i especially love their first ep "demolition war", rather than "reason for existence" where the song "big city" was taken from. also their first l.p "the day the country died" is real good stuff!

  4. Colored version :

  5. Crippa, the SUB HUM ANS political mindset is almost completely opposite & yet at the same time, very similar to the way i think, & it just fucks with my head too much. Especially From the Cradle to the Grave.

  6. ahh, "from the cradle to the grave" is also such a great record. hmm, your answer 'bout why they made you feel depressed is quite cryptic, but i actually think i nearly know what you mean.
