Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mordant Music - MM030

This is my interpretation of Mordant Music's logo and is used on their new CD:

Mordant Music - MM030


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I listened to their music while drawing patterns for my next comics : relaxing.

  3. Glad you liked their tunes Logoeme, it's good stuff.

  4. Hell yeah, that track has some fat ass beats. And great logo, you've certainly sliced out a unique style that is all your own. It's one way to tell the success of an artist if you can glance at any one of their works and know on the spot it is theirs. And I think anything you've ever posted, it's always been quite obvious it was yours.

  5. Thanks Aeron, really appreciate that, it's taken a loooong time to escape the shadow of R.Crumb (if indeed I have).
    Though I think everyone on EBD has a unique, instantly recognisable style.

  6. I don't see the Crumb with you Zeke, i mean, there's cross-hatching, but your stuff doesn't say Crumb to me in any way shape or form in terms of content or forms used or even technique.

  7. That's a beautifully (twisted) constructed logo.
