I recently finished one of the most time consuming and largest works I've ever made. Here's a small piece of it. This is about 1/10th of the entire image to give you an idea just how insanely detailed the full image is.
The print will measure 40 x 30 inches, which I think is about the average size of a poster that you'd find in a store.
I used to limit my digital artwork size to what my printer could handle, which was 13 x 19 inches, but I don't print my own art anymore so I don't have to worry about that restraint.
I'm still looking into giclee prints, that will cost me a lot at this size so the prints will probably be somewhere in the 2 - 3 hundred dollar range. I hope to have that worked out later in the summer.
Thanks fellas, and yeah the alligator shelled thing turned out great. I kept reworking it over an entire night and think it paid off. It was originally a snake like dog thing, or something like that.
And Chuck, awesome compliment, thanks! What a great idea!
That's really cool, it must be relly big.
ReplyDeleteThe print will measure 40 x 30 inches, which I think is about the average size of a poster that you'd find in a store.
ReplyDeleteI used to limit my digital artwork size to what my printer could handle, which was 13 x 19 inches, but I don't print my own art anymore so I don't have to worry about that restraint.
How much do you sell your posters?
ReplyDeleteI'm still looking into giclee prints, that will cost me a lot at this size so the prints will probably be somewhere in the 2 - 3 hundred dollar range. I hope to have that worked out later in the summer.
ReplyDeleteAmazing, looks like a 50's science fiction movie about the inside of Satan's brains.
ReplyDeleteFantastic stuff Aeron!
ReplyDeleteGreat. There is a lot of movement in this one as well... i really like the alligator mouthed beast there.
ReplyDeleteThanks fellas, and yeah the alligator shelled thing turned out great. I kept reworking it over an entire night and think it paid off. It was originally a snake like dog thing, or something like that.
ReplyDeleteAnd Chuck, awesome compliment, thanks! What a great idea!