Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Film Stills: Cat People (1982)


  1. I saw this movie in the late eighties and found it boring... now I want to see it again!
    That half-transformed face is creepy as hell - plus, it looks like it's wearing a Hitler mustache.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like Shrader a lot (particularly Blue Collar, American Gigolo and Mishima) but yes, this film can be boring -- especially compared to Lewton's amazing original. I found my mind wandering as I watched this again... but there's some nice shots, and nice soundtrack.

  4. I didn't mean to say it's a bad film, Jeffrey. I was 15 or so and Hellraiser was the epitome of a good movie for me back then.

  5. I probably was expecting something like American Werewolf.

  6. I really liked the first few minutes, when the sky is red. I had vauge memories of this for a long time. The sexual innuendo I think stuck with me the longest though. My uncle showed me this and The Evil Dead, and some old Hercules movie. It was a quite an evening...But yeah I had memories of "Children Of The Corn" bieng impressive too, and on rewatch it just doesnt hold up. Nice screens.
