Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Zombies Ate My Babysitter

Poster art for upcoming zombie movie, "Zombies Ate My Babysitter". Described as Home Alone meets Dawn of the Dead.
Zombies Ate My Babysitter
Speaking of Eaten By Ducks, i found a Max undt Moritz book at an estate sale for a quarter the other day. I've been too busy to read it, but i was quite stoked to find it. I also started up my button manufacturing as my central form of income in september (as opposed to teaching) & it has been going fantastically. If any of you are looking to have buttons made for projects, let me know. I'll have a site up with details in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome poster, Sean! The colors are great, it reminds me of a poster for a low budget horror film from the 70's that you'd see at the Drive In.
