Saturday, December 12, 2009

Contrasts and stereotypes

Sean in response to my Ayvel piece: """But, where's the conflict? It seems like such a world could get boring after a while, even after getting my bottom cleaned out by plants."""

I assume you are talking about the safe inner 3/4 of the planet rather than the terror lands of the outer 1/4? I've thought about this quite a bit before,, it is always said that reality needs extremely good things and extremely bad things to make a contrast to really enjoy the good times properly,, but in a place like the safe 3/4 of Ayvel,, they are bound to find some interest in the variety of strange things there are to discover,, everyone would be interested in discovery, it would be like a National Geographic/Discovery/David Attenborough culture. In that situation you dont sit around wishing there was wars or more racism(( I think war and racism is really boring)),, you'd find and make things to be interested in,, conflicts never disappear even in an ideal world,, minor and abstract conflict would be focused on,, and there will always be conflict in romantic relationships.
There is a different type of contrast to the starving people in Africa. We see them in charity adverts and imagine how harrowing it must be,, but since starvation and poverty have been their whole life, they will suffer in a different way than we imagine. There could be really horrible planets where the suffering of Earth seems boring and minor.
But if you really wanted the obvious conflicts, you could travel to the outer edge of Ayvel and get chased by monsters if that was what gave you your kicks. But you would risk being scared to death more than being ripped to death.
I generally dislike stereotypes, but when people demonize everything connected to prejudice, we lose a proper understanding of history and therefor cannot move forward as well as we could have. I imagine someday Hard Gay will be seen as a horrible character only enjoyed by evil homophobic people. I also quite like the Fu-Manchu/Claw/Yellow Claw stereotype, I'm not sure why that stereotype is not seen as being as horribly racist as many familiar black stereotypes,, perhaps because Fu-Manchu is really cool and the type of character you could fantasize about being him.
Prejudice has a labyrinth-like complexity and I hate to see people simplify it in their crusade against prejudice,, because they undermine their own work in simplifying it too much. I recently told a friend of mine that the first time I saw him, I felt what I guessed was split-second feelings of involuntary racism. But I dont know for sure. He didnt care at all.
Sometimes if I see a black guy and take an immediate dislike to him, I ask "am I being racist?" rather than considering many other possibilities. At the end of the day, I guess it really only matters what the rational part of your mind thinks.

...Anyway,, I think Hard Gay is hilarious, I've watched this about ten times and it is mostly what he says that is so funny. Stop it around 2:30, because the music annoyingly takes over...

There is a small tradition of very homoerotic games from Japan,, and people often make fun of them and say nasty things about this being the worst stuff to come out of Japan. But to my eyes, these games are 100 times more inspired than the bland design in most popular games. How often do you see this level of imagination exploding? In an age when artists are dying to be odd and failing miserably in the most self-conscious way,, games like Muscle March seem all the more incredible.
Muscle March...

Cho Aniki is not supposed to be that great a game, but the visuals have always been incredible. Here is a 3 page article about the series with great pictures , here is the game with the funniest imagery of the series, like Terry Gilliam animations...


  1. I'm sure glad i asked about conflict because this was one of the most entertaining things i've seen in a while. HARD GAY! WOW!!!! So, is the conflict in your world more like Hard Gay? Are there yakuza who you have to take their cigarettes & put them out in your pants?

  2. Speaking of which Robert, it seems like you might know, what is the name of the Japanese comics style that is intentionally disgusting with lots of runny noses, barfing, pissing, shit & veins? I'm sure it has a specific name, but i can't figure it out.

  3. You might mean Erotic Grotesque, but it could also be the more disgusting comics aimed at kids, but I dont know what you call them.
    If you do want Erotic Grotesque ((which is not always actually sexual)) go to Gurofan, but watch out, the police are starting to take that stuff seriously.

  4. Maybe it's the kid's stuff, like "Super Radical Gag Family"... i'll check this other stuff out to. The police be damned! This ain't the UK bub!

  5. Sterotypes like HARDGAY exist because they are real.Go to any gay club and youll see idiots like him, except they take it seriously.
    I think we have reached the point that black people were at in the seventies - the positive stereotype - (huggy bear, blaxploitation, ect).I dont mind - i quite like it in fact, as long as no one thinks IM like that!

  6. I was actually wondering what you would think of this. I read a few understandable criticisms of him from gay groups in Japan,, and you will not be surprised to hear that he is not actually gay.

  7. Actually, i thought BRUNO was far funnier. my boyfriend and i watched it with tears rolling down our faces.
    I think its important to keep a sense of humor and not to take yourself too seriously. Being an uptight arsehole helps no one. So to speak..ahem....
