Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Baga Yack and the Baby

detail of current work in progress. You can see the guts of the picture here which will get covered over with obsessive layers of various textural details. I've just barely begun on the hair of the beast, it will have a sort of tattered fur like wig. The baby wil be deformed, possibly mutilated. I considered having its head ripped off and hanging out of the beasts mouth, might still do that. Baga Yack is a sort of boogyman, no reference to any folk legends, just a generalized monster that snatches babies in their sleep for a small meal in the night.

And yes, the name is inspired by Baba Yaga.


  1. Stunning, as usual Aeron!
    Say, I have a couple of fotos of a mummified cat from my parents' attic. Would you be interested in those as source material?

  2. Wow. I love this image- even though you're not done with it! Can't wait to see how this could possibly get better.
