Wednesday, March 03, 2010

John Waters

Here's an illustration I just did for the dutch magazine Zone 5300 to an article about John Waters.


  1. oh wow!, FuFu...really nice pic you did there!
    but where's edith massey?..'n stiv bator??

  2. Why, they're those shadowy figures in the background!
    Seriously, I wanted to include references to movies from across his whole oeuvre and so I didn't have enough room for all the weirdos from the early movies. I know I didn't get all his movies in, but let's see, there's Desperate Living, Pink Flamingos, Female Trouble, Hairspray, Cecil B. Demented, Pecker, Serial Mom, and his latest one, Dirty Shame.

  3. Actually, the first thing i thought studying the drawing was what a great, unfussy balance you made of his whole career, great illo.

  4. weeell, it IS a real good illustration you did there, so i'm not complaining here. it's just that the odorama-pic "polyester" is one of my all time favorite john waters-movies.

  5. Crippa, of course you're right, Polyester is one of his best.
    Thanks, David and Water Devil.
