Sunday, March 07, 2010


ultraomegamegahydracolor, originally uploaded by SEAN ÄABERG.

This is about as crazy as i'm going to get with these right now, but it's just itching for more heads...


  1. this place kicks some serious ass

  2. Awesome! Going all conceptual with actual hydra mythos, it would be fun to do a seres or an animation, starting with a hydra whose (say three) heads resemble the very first iconic pop/comic culture characters, like Max and Moritz, Yellow Kid, Krazy Kat and Little Nemo or something, and then (after the heads get chopped off) have newer and newer ones grow from stems. Katzenjammer Kids, Popeye, Mickey Mouse, Superman... and work yourself up to a modern day hydra with a gazillion heads representing Spongebob, Bart Simpson and so on.

  3. Fufu... that's a crazy & awesome concept.

  4. Glad you like it...
    Man, I realize now I simply left out two "the"s in the last post and it should of course read "series", not "seres".
    Just ignore my dyslexia, people.

  5. Awesome! Hydra beasts are always fun, I could see something like this in a more detailed scene where a cave opening appears in the background, additional hydra necks sticking out that are missing heads, and those heads, with bat wings, flying around some character wielding a weapon intent on destroying the beast.

  6. These are crying out to be animated, would be nice just to see the heads wobbling about and maybe speech bubbles could appear next to heads as they argue with each other.
    Really cool anyways.

  7. Your drawings have never been funnier than in 2010, all the latest series rock.
