Thursday, September 02, 2010

My 37th sketchbook has a painted cover now... I hadn't done anything with the lycantrope theme in my medieval stuff sofar.


  1. Very nice. The multiple teats is a nice touch.

  2. I love the nuance (grey blue / royal blue)… Very nice.
    Furthermore, I thought about your fascination for the middle age and, as I was intrigued by Marguerite Porete, I thought you could be as well. Did you read her book ?

  3. Another splendid cover, Marcel. I think I like it even better than the last one in terms of color nuance and the fact that the background adds a spacial dimension while losing none of the graphic appeal.

  4. Gaiihin: I must admit I hadn't heard of Marguerite Porete before, but I will look up information about her. Thanks.
