Friday, March 11, 2011

Jörg Buttgereit

Here's the second entry in my series of portraits of the world's greatest filmmakers: Jörg Buttgereit, director of the infamous Necromantik. Like the previous John Waters-piece I did this for the dutch magazine Zone 5300 (edited by Marcel Ruijters) which will feature an interview with J.B. in the upcoming issue.


  1. I can say that at Zone 5300 HQ we are quite happy with it. It is awesome! Also, I am looking forward to Mr. Buttgereits reaction when he sees this.

  2. Is that Der Todesking on his shirt?

  3. Duuuude... way cool! I haven't heard of Zone 5300 before, but I'm interested in learning more now.

    This would SO rock as a poster, btw *wink*wink*nudge*nudge*
