Thursday, May 12, 2011

[Mothers - Masochists] [explaning the process]

[The beginning. I decided to create something BIG this time, kind of enlarged illustration. The theme I've chosen explores the relation between maternity and masochism, as I think, that decision to have and raise a child is self decided way to be tortured. Of course, there's some irony in this:]

[At first I thought to make background similar to striped wall-covering, like putting 'mothers' in their home environment]

[my workplace - my room. the drawing is hanged on the wall with paper tape.]

[going further. my messy table, hehe]


[then I decided that the background is distracting the view too much, so I've over-painted it gray]

[looks better, but needs some accents]

[so I painted light blue/ sky-blue lines, which shows resemblance with bowels. I wanted to keep cold colouring]

[evening. the lighting is not the best. I added the last accent - red ball in the mouth of the mother. My roommate said, that this ball reminds her Blutharsh clip]


[exposition at Vilnius Art Academy, where I'm studying visual graphic (this is not me standing near, though)]


  1. Great drawing Shaltmira! Are many of your drawings on such a huge format?

  2. However long that took, its worth it. Exquisite.

  3. A fine piece of work! I like how the figures are sitting in a shape that reminds me of a pelvis, like in a boat.

  4. -->Human Mollusk
    thanks, it's just very first my experiment. but I'm planning to make more artworks in this format.

    I can't say how long.. From the beginning of this year I had this idea, and this peace of paper hanging on my wall, and time to time, I came and done something to it. sometimes I couldn't sleep, because I thought about what I could do better and so on. this drawing was kind of reminder that I should try, giving the impulse to try, it's good when they don't let you go.

    --> Marcel Ruijters
    little boats, say... i would like to take one
