Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sine Qua Non

Working on a cover design for a new edition of my book Sine Qua Non from 2005, which is scheduled for the autumn, but one never knows... Top to bottom: front and rear, without typography, and the original cover. The original edition (almost sold out) was in English and French, this one is going to be Danish. Not that it matters that much: apart from some banners with Latin phrases, the stories are wordless.


  1. This book is in my bookcase ! Good book !

  2. I also own this book and it is of course great! A new cover is a good idea though, the original one is nice but to my mind doesn't do the interior justice. Have you considered trying something that is even closer to medieval illustration composition-wise? (like the images from the new book you posted) The old one and to a lesser extent these new designs are quite close to the usual comic cover design. Don't get me wrong, I love the drawings.

  3. Hmmm. I guess I wanted to stay not too far away from the art that I did before 2005, because that would provide too much of a stylistic contrast with the inner pages. But I just might do an alternative cover that is more 'medieval' and propose both options to the publisher. There is still time. Thanks for the challenging feedback, Fufu!
