Monday, October 03, 2011

La Part Du Diable

Legendary underground publisher Le Dernier Cri has released a new book: (D)EVIL, for the exhibition La Part Du Diable which can be seen until 1st of November in Le Comptoir du Livre, a gallery/artbookstore in the centre of Liège, Belgium (20 En Neuvice, close to Liège Palais railway station). Participants are Benjamin Monti (B) who organised it all, Anne Van der Linden (F), Francesco Defourny (B), Pakito Bolino (F), Matthias Lehmann (F), Marie-Pierre Brunel / Yokogaga (F), P’tit Marc (B) and yours truly.

This is one of the drawings I submitted:

It's a combination of the classic 'so above, so below'-posture of Pazuzu (and God and numerous angels) and corporal punishment, in a Romanesque Vesica Piscis shape.


  1. What a wonderful looking book. Can people across the ocean without money for plane tickets buy this book anywhere online?

  2. I also wanted to add that 'Pazuzu' is fun to say.

  3. Fantastic looking book, this reminds me of the devil museum in Lithuania. Are you familiar with it?
    Interestingly, we have an EBD member from that country, Shaltmira. Perhaps she's familiar with it?

  4. @Aeron: Yes, as a subscriber to Fortean Times I had heard of it and have been making plans to visit the Kaunas Devil Museum. One day...
    But hey, thanks for refreshing my memory. I should send them something.
    @Limpey: Good news! You can purchase the book through the webshop of Le Dernier Cri without problem.

  5. I do not see this book in the lederniercri shop. but I did see another $2000 worth of stuff I wish I could get.

  6. It was printed just a few days ago, for the exhibition's opening last Saturday. I guess the (D)EVIL book will be available at the LDC webshop soon!

  7. This book looks so great, hope I could get one & some for the shop... This plus Ultimo Grito... wow! The show in Liege also looks nice, all of my favourite artists in the same place !

  8. ... And now it's in the webshop:

    Well you pedophiles are getting eaten,that' s correct.
    And it used to be with your " SS" COCTU and COCHEAT.
    But not anymore.
    The QUEEN you see, has taken out all her MAD HATTERS.
    And yes that means CONDOLEEZA RICE.
    So, all her BUNNIES and BUNN- BUNN 5 went in the DUMPSTER . I think you call it COMPA?
    And DUKE with CK got a FRANKLIN JONES knocking.
    Dark Griffons , too.
    OSIRIS now talks Schar.
