Friday, December 23, 2011

Serbian Dreams

I made 4 scraped boards comics for a serbian anthology about dreaming of famous characters/peoples... I think now I found my way : scraperboard, silence & improvisation.


  1. Interesting decision to use common signs/visual symbols instead of text, you have to decode the conversation by your own. I enjoy minimalistic compositions for a change: better concentration,when there are laconic images.

  2. yep; I asked myself if those signs are international or not... actually this page is talking a lot comparing to next ones, i'm loosing words by making pages & pages !

  3. sweet. i might do # 9 of my newsletter "robots are people too" (after severel months of silence). you're invited to send art if you like. keep up the good work.

  4. Good news! Sure I'll do dude. Thanx & good luck
