Sunday, September 30, 2012

No you cunt

New collective zine is finally out !!
thema was Sexy Sushi, but well, it became something new else...
X colors, X copies, X artists
hand and sweatsilkscreened
32 pages

artists: Zigendemonic, Jürg, CrippaXXX, The Horror,Matt Crab, El Robignol, Antoine Duthoit, Ammo, Dieter VDO, Emoragy, Dav Guedin, Noémie Barsolle, Ian Liddle, Ricaletto, Siscalocca, SebH, Amandine Meyer, Ardéco, anef.

1 comment:

  1. more photos on my blog :!/2012/09/no-you-cunt.html
