Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Alkom'X 7

Hey kidz!

Alkom'X is printed, we are actually and intensively binding each of the 250 copies
So here is some pictures as some of you are involved in

First, you have to know that this issue is a special Voynich manuscript, and this came after some discussion with fellow Marcel Ruijters
66 artists are in, 256 pages including fold-out and a 16 pages silkscreened fold out, size is A5
Cover is silkscreened after a linoprint
9 booklets are cutted, folded, pasted & sewed by hand

Today we have 17 copies done, we will send first to the artists & then the book will be available for sale probably in the second half of november


  1. wow!, looks totally amazing!! can't wait to have it in my hands to dig thru'..

  2. Oh boy! I'll sit tight and wait for the mailman to come along.

  3. Any idea what the price will be. Looks great and sorely want one!

  4. Insanely awesome! This is gigantic project...and you're doing everything perfectly. It's an honour to be in this.

  5. i've got my copy by the post today! thanx! 'n what can i say, romu..'cept that it's one of theee best zines i ever seen! really, really great work you've done there. hats off!

  6. thanx ! that's big job i can say! i'm really glad most of you followed the theme, so even non-theme stuff could fit well
    i'm also happy to see here lot of people i met during last years, not only DC creww...

    AT Richy : the book will be for sale at the end of this week, price is 10euro + shipping

  7. Je viens de le recevoir. Chapeau bas !
