Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Game Book Illustrations

These are a couple of drawings I recently did for the book "Reiter der schwarzen Sonne" ("Rider of the Black Sun").


It's an old-school fantasy game book in the tradition of Fighting Fantasy or Lone Wolf
Apparently it is the most massive book of it's kind with over 700 pages and more than 1300 sections. 
All in all I did close to 50 illustrations and vignetts for it.


  1. I love your audacious use of black. Those Piranesi bridges are neat!

  2. 50!!! Wow ! Très jolis dessins. J'aime surtout le premier. Entre 11 et 14 ans j'ai dû lire plus de 30 livre dont vous êtes le héros..

  3. Merci!
    Apparament en ce moment il y a une renaissance de bouquins comme ça, mais surtout en e-book, pour smartphones et tablet PCs.
