Monday, December 03, 2012


Hi there!
This is my first post as a member of "Eaten by Ducks".
Besides having a wonderful name, this blog features some of my favorite artists,
so I'm very happy to be here.

What should you know about me?
Maybe that I don't like to talk about myself too much?
I'm not very good at it, so I'll let my work do the talking.

This is what I've been doing all my life, really.
Drawing or painting characters.
When I was drawing them as a kid, they weren't called "characters" though,
they were called "mannekes". (Dutch for "little men")
(others usually called them "rare mannekes" or "weird little men")

The image above is a scene from a book I'm currently working on.
Basically bringing these different characters together to see what happens.
It'll be a picturebook for geeky adults and cool kids.

Another scene from the same book.
If all goes well, it should be out sometime next year.

Above is the front- and back cover of "Big Pink".
It's a book that was recently published by the French "Graisse Animale".
This book is a selection of work from 2010 until now.
It also features my webcomic "The Core".
If you're interested in this book, go buy a copy here.

I plan to get back on working on "The Core" in 2013.
Maybe something for "Eaten by Ducks"?

Anyway, glad to be here.
Thanks to Marcel for bringing me in.



  1. That's one helluva first post right there, Dieter! Great stuff!

  2. Dieter! You made it! Welcome.

    And yes, an awesome post it is.

  3. welcome Dieter!
    i've got the core from hirnplatz, love it!

  4. Thanks guys!
    Yes, I love how that little book turned out too.
    I'm looking forward to make the next one with Hirnplatzt.

  5. Hi Dieter, nice to have you here !
    greetings from berlin!

  6. Welcome Dieter! I've dug your stuff for a while!
