Sunday, January 20, 2013


 I must need to update my versions of safari and windows because both are screwing up really simple tasks. Windows version of blogger shows you the upload file button for a second and then it disappears, so I have to go to safari to do that, and the safari version wont let me delete draft posts.
 This drawing I did near the end of december and I kept failing to get round to scanning it. It is slightly below the size of the top joint of my thumb. As you might have guessed, it is yet another piece of a failed attempt at something which I liked enough to consider it a proper thing of its own.


  1. That's certainly a beautiful drawing of a gloomy face, Robert. However, I still don't understand why you feel the need to cut it out of the rest of the drawing even if you're dissatisfied with how it came out. In my opinion it would be more interesting to see it in the context that it was intended to be in.
    For example sketches are almost never perfect, but they're very often more interesting than the corresponding finished art, because of their immediacy of technique and freshness of ideas.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree. Sketches are often better than the finished work. The wish for "perfection" is a counter-productive thing.

  4. i have a full box of sketches, unfinished cutted drawings made between 15old & some years ago. It took me long time to finish work, to go after the sketch that i always consider as the complete work, while finishing it (give it consistency) mostly is a way for the drawing to be understood by peoples. I cant do better than putting 3 brushstroke to create a human face. That's why i also agree, i like to see underlaying sketch/hand of the artist in a drawing. There's nothing wrong with imperfection, while 'perfection' often is antiseptical cleaning (i here refer to a friend of mine that MR must know, who's spending time on photoshoperfection while his sketshes are - for me - perfect)
