Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Free paintings, sketches, unbearable sadness


  1. nice! i like the third & following a lot, mostly when you're going to figurative picture

  2. vibrant work, Gaspard! Maybe it's just a matter of taste but somehow I think the abstract images work better without the representative elements floating around in them, whereas the nude with the abstractpatterns in the body works just fine.

  3. Most of those paintings were done on pictures I made about ten years ago. They are mostly extrapolations. There are figurative elements on all of them, some are not visible anymore. I remember that in psychotic states, the relations between reality and self are distorted and I think I feel very good about the fact that abstract and figurative elements are insensitively presented together, especially on the real painting. I would understand that in the image world and especially on the Internet, it feels incoherent, which is a good point considering my current apathy when I think about criteria.

  4. this is really great stuff, gaspard!
