Saturday, February 23, 2013

INFERNO en francais

Working on a new cover for the french edition of my graphic novel Inferno, scheduled for May this year. It will be printed as a lino cut. This is a really crappy test print, but for some reason I'm without oil-based inks, so it will have to do. Pleased with the design however. No mistakes. I do have to add the title, still. Now that's a challenge.

The linoleum proved to be good to handle. Not crumbly or slippery.

(The initial sketch, lifted from one of the pages in the book.)


  1. it sure is interesting to get a li'l glimpse into y'r working procedure, marcel.

  2. yes! will they print all themselves? Cause they asked me last year but i didn't had news

    good luck for reversed gothic text cut !

  3. I suppose they will do the printing that way, yes.

  4. I like the texture in the first picture.
