Friday, May 03, 2013



here some new linocut i did those days. Actually 2 are lino & one is PVC-plastic. Those 3 are made after a quick sketch done on linoplate, then i just move out as it is. The one on PVC, as it's glossy plastic, was mostly made after erased drawing, I wasn't sure of result


  1. Those are some fantastic cuts, Romuald - I especially like the first one with the changing line thickness and density. The intricate linework in the center is delicious!

  2. Thank you Fufu =) I let this first one undone for maybe one year, as the drawing was almost erased & i was expecting to cut it as it was... finally i did & i like the result, i'll make more this way in the future

    the third in this post is done after the first one
