Monday, May 13, 2013

Twin saints

Working again on my book about medieval saints, because it's now possible to do it in full colour. The digital revolution has not been kind in many ways, but one of the nice side-effects is that the difference in price between black & white and full colour was greatly dimished.
This is a random page from a random chapter taken from the book, a six-pager about twin saints Ada and Oda. I am not trying to forge the use of colour in manuscripts, though. (If you want perfect forgeries, Alkbazz is the man to call) The art is just inspired by that particular use of colour contrast.


  1. beautiful! I wonder though, perhaps it would be good to make the orange background less "flat" in the lower image, as there seems to be a compositional dead space in the center...?

  2. Hmm. I don't think it needs more depth...

  3. Nono, I didn't mean the depth, sorry. I meant just something going on in the center, because it feels a bit empty compared to the rest... but maybe thats just me - it's a brilliant page as it is.

  4. I see. Well, it was intended to be kind of empty. The initial idea was to fill it up with flying crucifixes but then I decided against it.
