Sunday, July 14, 2013



here's few things I did last weeks/months

this scraperboard, done on english ones

and 2 drawings i did during travels

In june we did go to Belgrad for Novo Doba festival, we did go by bus so it took us 24 hours just for that (plus train & bus to go to the bus station in Lyon). It was great time, we get lot of good souvenirs from this experience, i recommand to go if you have opportunity to do... Lot of good artists (El Rata Rey & Pachiclon from Mexico, Buraco crew from Portugal, Boris Pramatarov from Bulgaria, Mattias Elftorp from Sweden & all of Serbia-Croatia : Aleksandar Opacic, Wostok, Zograf, Bernharda Xilko, Radovan Popovic.....) to make lot of collective drawings that i'll show next time. I was especially satiafied to have talk with Opacic & Popovic about art & comic & to see how we can be close in a way...
After that we go to Roma for Crack! festival, for the third time, and there we metlot of peoples we already met in Belgrad plus other artists such as Ivan Hurricane, Viktor Dunkel & others we already met in other locations... I was just bored by frenchies, mostly graphist students with pretentious attitude, who invaded this edition.... "Punks are good, they do have to exist, but to be serious get another level, look for money where it is, speak to people who understand art in its superior intention"... something like that (even worst, i can't speak this way!)
But it was good because of friends from dernier cri & from garage! we were 10 peoples including musicians who did great gig at crack!

after that we welcomed Guillaume from Staalplaat (Berlin) who installed his show (under Le petit mignon name) in our place for one month. Then i can admire works from Crippa, Zeke, Zven, Anef, Jeong & more

next month we install Mattt Konture's show & it's really nice idea!

I also did a cover concept & print for Planetaldol album which will be able in few days (I'll show you!)

well, that's it!