Wednesday, November 27, 2013


So, this is going to be kind of a general update post about things I've already blogged about, rather than about some particular new thing I've done lately.

 After being published as a supplement in Zone 5300 last year, my zombie card game Zombory came out in Germany a few weeks ago. For the new version I redesigned the logo and drew several new pairs - it now has 30 zombie/human pairs. Also, with some help of a co-designer, I fleshed out (no pun intended) the additional rules which I had only sketched down when I first came up with the idea. So Zombory - while still playable by the classic memory rules - now has it's own zombie-themed game mechanics and has evolved into a fun little game of its own. The game rules are being translated at the moment so I have the hope that there will be an english version at some point.  Here's the new logo and three of the new card pairs.

Last year I posted some illustrations I had done for the world's longest (apparently) adventure game book, Reiter der Schwarzen Sonne (Rider of the Black Sun). The book did rather well for something so old-school, so recently the second, revised edition came out, to which I was asked to contribute several additional drawings and a new cover. There is talk of an english edition which will hopefully be coming out in the close future.
These are two of the new illustrations:

Finally, I did a couple new T-shirt designs...  these are three of them:


  1. Delightful stuff. The hipster zombie is hilarious!

  2. wow!, very nice t-shirt designs you made there. you're really good, FuFu..but this you already know that i think of y'r illustrative skills..

  3. Thanks to both of you!
    Yeah, the hipster is one of my favorites, I could do a whole game with nothing but zombified hipsters.

  4. wow! damn! mazette! this entombed skull & dinosaur are perfect, also love hearted butterfly!

  5. That beast jumping out of the box!

    You kill every time Fufu.
